All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Two ways of presenting your work are offered:
• Oral
• Poster
For oral presentations, the submission of a full paper is mandatory, whereas for poster presentations, the submission of a full paper is optional.
The title and the abstract of the papers should be entered as plain text, without any HTML elements. The abstract is expected to be approximately within 300 to 500 words.
Submission Link
Full papers
Full papers should be in PDF format (file extension .pdf) according to the following templates:
• Word
• LATEX (Available soon)
The entire manuscript (i.e., text, figures, tables, bibliography, etc.) must be no more than 12 pages long including graphs, tables and figures. Any manuscript having excess pages will not be accepted.
For information on Ethics in Publishing and Ethical guidelines for journal publication, see: